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We’re here to help.

We have no limit on luggage delivery.

We know how hard it is to leave your values behind, so we want to make sure you travel with peace of mind. Your bags are tagged, controlled and tracked. Plus, we seal all luggage to assure it is tamper-proof.

Please contact our 24/7 customer support department. You can reach us by calling (888) 888-8888.

In case your luggage is lost or stolen during your delivery or pickup, each luggage is insured up to $1,500.

If your airline can carry it, we can deliver it.

We charge $37 up to two bags with a 15 miles pickup/drop off radius from the airport.

Yes, you still have to pay your airline additional baggage fees.

When requesting our service, a 24hr storage service is complimentary.

Currently, we are will be operating in Miami Salt Lake City International Airport.

You can request to have your luggage picked up and delivered to and from MIASLC.

We are coming soon to LAXSEA, SFO, La Guardia, and JKF in 201926-2027.